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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gold mineralogy:
Natural resources of elemental gold are mainly contained in the mineral gold (plus 85%Au) and in seawater. The oceans contain a major resource of gold in solution but individual estimates are variable, depending upon the location of samples, which appear to range in gold content from as low as 0.1 to as high as 2.0 ppb by weight. However, attempts to recover gold from seawater on a commercial scale have so far failed, mainly because of the large quantities of water involved; ion exchange appears to offer the present best avenue for research. Salt, bromine and magnesia are recovered from seawater on a large scale hence the oceans must be regarded as a potential gold source of major proportions.

gold minerals Gold mineralogy Gold geochemistry Gold grain morphology


Gold geochemistry:
Two important aspects of the aqueous geochemistry of gold are its chemistry
And the particular properties of the matrix solution (e.g. acidity, pH and
Oxidation potential, EH). Salinity can arise from various processes including rock
Weathering and dissolution of previously deposited halite, evaporation, sea water
And aerosol deposition of seawater. Acidity, which is usually measured as pH
And factors such as pH, Eh, and salinity have major effects on the speciation and
Solubility of gold.

411976215 Goldwing 150x150 Gold mineralogy Gold geochemistry Gold grain morphology

Gold grain morphology 150x150 Gold mineralogy Gold geochemistry Gold grain morphology
Gold grain morphology

gold minerals 150x150 Gold mineralogy Gold geochemistry Gold grain morphology

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